Parts (Estimates)
The Parts (Estimates) section of the Work Order Costs page is initially populated with any estimated parts defined in a procedure associated with the work order. Work orders that include estimated parts are typically associated with a preventive maintenance schedule.
Options to add, remove, or modify part estimates are available from this page. As estimated part records are created for stocked items, Maintenance Connection reserves the quantity of parts designated in the Inventory module. Similarly, as quantities are modified, Maintenance Connection ensures the correct estimated quantities are reserved.
Field Definitions
The following fields are displayed for Parts (Estimates):
Item # / Name / Location: Item #, name, and location as defined in the Inventory module. For stock items, the location will indicate the stock room. For direct issue items, the location will be listed as Directly Issued, followed by the order status. If the order has not been made, not ordered will be listed in red. If the order has been issued, x ordered will be listed.
Bin: The bin from which the estimated part should be taken, if specified.
Estimated Quantity: The estimated quantity needed. For stock items, the estimated quantity is defined in the Inventory module.
Other Cost: Other costs associated with using this part, such as a material handling fee. Any amount entered is added to the total cost and charge.
Cost: The total cost for the part, based on the rate defined in the Inventory module. Total cost is determined by multiplying the estimated quantity by the rate stored for the item, and then adding any other costs listed.
Cost is based on the selected stock room and the cost rule in effect, such as Average Costing, Last Cost, and so on.
This cost can be modified for the particular work order, without affecting the cost stored with the item.
Charge: The total charge, based on the charge rate defined for this item in the Inventory module. This rate can be the same as the cost, or it can be defined at a higher charge rate. This rate is often based on markup percent.
If both a charge rate and markup percent are defined for the stock room item, the charge rate is used.
Stocked vs. Direct Issue Items
There are two types of items that can be designated as estimated parts on work orders: Stocked Items and Direct Issue Items.
Stocked Items: Stocked items are parts that are maintained in a stock room. Inventory is maintained on stocked items, indicating the quantity on-hand (physically available items), the quantity reserved, and the quantity available (on-hand less amount reserved). Creating an estimated part record for a stocked item results in that item being placed on reserve in the Inventory module.
Direct Issue Items: Items that are being requested for purchase specifically for a work order are designated as direct issue. Direct issue items do not affect any inventory retained in a stock room. Instead, they initiate a purchase order to obtain the specific items.
Adding the item as an estimated part on this Costs-Estimates page generates a request for the direct issue item, prompting appropriate users to create a purchase order for the item. Once a purchase order has been generated through the Order Items feature or through the Purchase Order module, it will be listed on the Purchase Orders page for the work order. It should be noted that as an alternative to this process, the Purchase Orders page can be used to directly initiate a purchase order for the item.
Add Estimated Parts
Click Add.
The Inventory Module lookup opens, allowing you to select a part.
Use the filter and search controls to identify the items you want to add.
In particular, note the Stock Room and Category filter control in the left. The dialog defaults to all stocked inventory items.
The Stock Room filter includes a category for directly issued items. This control is used to request an item that will be ordered directly, rather than retrieved from available stock in a designated stock room.
Click the Associated with Asset/Location check box on the left to quickly locate inventory items defined for this asset.
Choose between two options:
To reserve an item currently maintained in inventory at a particular stock room, select a stock room from the Stock Room filter on the left.
To order an item as direct issue, select Directly Issued from the Stock Room filter.
Locate the item you want.
Click the item.
The Inventory Items window opens.
Enter the estimated quantity, and modify additional information as needed.
Estimated quantity can be modified by entering a new number or using the Calculator lookup
.As estimated quantity is modified, the cost and charge rate are automatically recalculated.
The account and category can be modified using the Module lookup to access a list of accounts and categories stored in the respective module.
The other cost, cost, and charge rate can be modified as needed.The value placed in the Other Cost field is added to the Total Cost and Charge fields.Changes made will only affect this particular estimated part record, they will not change the rate associated with the inventory item.
Choose between two options:
Click Apply.
The Inventory Module lookup appears with your selected item in the My Selection(s) area.
Click Apply/Close.
The Estimates page opens. Skip to Step 10.
Continue selecting additional inventory items as needed.
To remove a record that has been added to the My Selection(s) area in error, click the blue arrow directly to the left of the row.
To add the inventory items listed in the My Selection(s) area to the work order, click the Apply button.
The Inventory Module lookup closes, and the new items are added to the Estimated Parts table.
Click Save.
Modify Estimated Parts
Click the row for the estimated part you want to modify.
The Part (Estimates) window opens.
Make your changes.
Estimated quantity can be modified by entering a new number or using the Calculator lookup
.As estimated quantity is modified, the cost and charge rate are automatically recalculated.
The account and category can be modified using the Module lookup to access a list of accounts and categories stored in the respective module.
The other cost, cost, and charge rate can be modified as needed.The value placed in the Other Cost field is added to the Total Cost and Charge fields.Changes made will only affect this particular estimated part record, they will not change the rate associated with the inventory item.
Click Apply.
The window closes.
Click Save.
Remove Estimated Parts
Click the check box to the left of the part you want to remove.
A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.
Continue to select any additional estimated parts you want to remove.
Click Remove.
The estimated part record will be removed.
Click Save.
This record will also be removed from the Actual Parts table displayed on the Costs – Actuals page.